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The Queen Mary: A Royal Experience

Posted By Jennifer Cantero On December 11, 2015 @ 11:03 am In Los Angeles | No Comments

The Queen Mary docked permanently in Long Beach, California on December 9, 1967

The Queen Mary


All Aboard a Historic Ship


The Queen Mary began life as a luxury ocean liner in 1934, and was repurposed as a troopship for transporting soldiers during World War II. Today, it’s a major historic attraction and hotel on the Southern California coast. The Queen Mary permanently settled in Long Beach on December 9, 1967, and has been attracting visitors from around the world ever since.


The ship offers tours that share its history and allow the public to explore noteworthy areas of the vessel, such as the engine room and indoor swimming pool (which is supposedly haunted). Guests can stay a night aboard the ship; sip on cocktails in the Observation Bar & Art Deco Lounge; or take a stroll on the deck to enjoy the ocean view.


Get more information at The Queen Mary official website




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URL to article: https://alaingayot.com/queen-mary/

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